hemp fiber textile

Advantages and disadvantages of hemp fabric

Probably you’ve already heard that Hemp is a renewable fiber that grows extremely quickly and heartily in a variety of climates. This is one of the facts that makes it attractive for textile industry from sustainability perspective. 

But let’s look closer at the advantages and disadvantages of hemp fabric.

Hemp advantages 

  • Hemp is much more durable than other natural fabrics. With proper care, it can serve for decades. Especially if we are talking about home textiles, which are not being washed as frequently as clothes. Although hemp will get softer overtime, the fibers won’t degrade. 
  • Hemp is a lightweight material. In fact, it’s considered to be one of the lightest fibers on the market. Hemp weighs up to one-third less than wool or cotton.
  • Hemp is breathable, which means it allows your body to get rid of excess moisture easily. This makes hemp a perfect option for clothes or home textiles production. While you are doing sports in a hemp t-shirt or sleeping under a hemp blanket – your body works as it should.
  • Hemp includes compounds that are proven to have antimicrobial properties. It is resistant to harmful microbes, mold, and mildew, which means hemp garments won’t smell bad after one wears them. Instead of washing – it is enough to leave your clothes or home textiles in the fresh air. 
  • Hemp is reported to be hypo-allergenic and suitable for people with allergies or sensitivities  
  • Finally, any product made of hemp is fully biodegradable and easily recyclable.

Disadvantages of Hemp Fabric

  • Hemp is not for very sensitive skin. It feels similar to cotton, just a little tougher (though far from scratchy or uncomfortable). Despite its wide use for bedding, pillows, and towels, it is still not as soft as cotton or linen. It may be durable, but if you need silky-smooth sheets, you might prefer linen, cotton, or modal.
  • Hemp fabric is quite expensive and this is a paradox because the production of hemp is generally cheaper than cotton, but other market factors led to its higher cost. The availability of cotton is much higher around the globe, which makes it cheaper per volume. And also a reputation of sustainable and organic fabric naturally leads to an increase in sales prices.

We use hemp fiber as a filling to our demi-season and winter hemp blankets (for kids and for adults) A wonderful blend of hemp, wool and cotton is used in our warm and soft throw blankets 


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